Tuesday 10 July 2007


In 2006 Scoop came out, a movie by Woody Allen that didn't get too much press. So I decided to finally give it a shot and see if Woody pulled it off or not.

The movie begins with the death of Joe Strombel (Ian McShane) a very well known London reporter. During his ocean voyage on the ship of death (ahhh, Woody's sense of humour) he encounters a co-passenger... a secretary of to the VERY famous Peter Lyman (Hugh Jackman) who explains that she was killed by Lyman because she found out he was the famous serial killer the police could not catch. When Strombel heard this, and as he is the best reporter in London, he decides to cheat death and find a way to get the scoop (hence the name).

Without ruining it, the rest of the important cast is Scarlett Johansson and even Woody Allen himself.

It was a fun movie, Allen through in a few twists and things to try to keep the interest up. Jackman didn't really play a very convincing rich serial killer (perhaps it was the 15 movies he did in 2006 that are taking their toll), but... overall, I'd say the movie was fun. Good date movie.

3/5 Stars

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Sicko... as seen by the insurance and drug companies...

This is a good article from the San Francisco Chronicle about the response from the insurance and drug companies. It's just interesting to see what they could possibly say about this movie. I mean the question is simple... is it the truth or is it a lie. So far, looks like EVERYTHING is the truth. Just amazing really, how much power these companies have, problem is they are playing with people's lives and they should be 100% responsible for EVERY death they cause... homeless person or not, each life is precious, even the ones that can't afford insurance.