Thursday, 8 November 2007

Eisner seems to think he knows something here...

Michael Eisner... the former Disney CEO who went head-to-head against many during his time at Disney (including Disney's own grandson) and was finally brought down by none other than Steve Jobs had some words about the writers strike happening now.

Talking at a keynote in New York Eisner was as "forward" as ever. You know this guy might be a prick but I do like how straight he is about his opinions. I might not agree with him but at least I know where he stands.

He seems to think that the writers strike is "stupid" and that there is no money in the new digital media yet therefore the writers cannot ask to get more money from it... yet.

So I hope people do not just take what someone like Eisner says without doing at least a little digging. As successful as the man has been... he is a business man at the core, and that will never change.

So Eisner started his own investment company after leaving Disney. His new company is in the delivering-of-digital-media-via-the-Internet business. What does that mean? Simple... the longer he doesn't have to pay writers for their work the better. Yes, it's that simple. The other point the Eisner seemed to "forget" to mention was that the writers guild wants to get more money from distribution of their material on DVD's as well... clearly a well established digital medium that has been VERY profitable for the studios (and that's after years of them fighting not to do digital distribution, much like the VHS fight, which the studios lost yet made more money than previously thought possible).

Eisner is a funny guy. He hates to lose more than anyone (well about the same as Steve Jobs) and the fight with Jobs was a bit like the old Street Fighter 2 days. You would sit at the local arcade playing this game, being the best, beating everyone (like Eisner) then some kid walks in and beats you in front of everyone (enter Jobs). Now Eisner has to show the world he's back and to do what he can to stay in the media spotlight (something Jobs does better than anyone it seems).

While I do wish Eisner well... I can't stop thinking of him as one of the old-school guys trying to do new age media (the same way he's always done media). I for one think that is a mistake, because the Internet is a whole new animal and if you can't accept that now there are new rules to follow (and make) than you should get out of the business all together (hint to the RIAA... please go away).

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Spiderman 3

I just watched Spiderman 3 and have to say... I think I know what the problem was. You see to make the story flow better, some things had to be changed from the comic book (such as his web coming out of his hands... instead of using mechanical web slingers).

Now I think the writers decided to add a little too much into a single (2 hour) movie. Especially the amount of villains.

First villain issue is the "new" Goblin. Ok, so I have NO idea why someone came up with the "new" Goblin as the comic book had already explained how the Green Goblin's son took over as his father. They could have skipped some parts and made Harry Osborn the Hobgoblin instead, now that would have been cool. But no... they decided to make him the Goblin Jr. complete with his own flying surf board (not even the original Goblin glider)

The Sandman was pretty close but the real problem was the Alien suit. See the comic book introduced the Alien suit during the Secret Wars series. This allowed time to develop the relationship that was between the suit and it's host (namely Peter Parker). The comic also showed how Peter Parker almost died trying to get the alien suit off him. All these details had to be cut out of a 2 hour movie... a shame really.

I think if they split this movie into two (or even better, a trilogy) that would have worked for the best. Many people do not realize the depth that comics go into developing story lines, characters, and conflicts. Usually movies cannot do them justice (same problem as when movies try to adapt a book).

Overall, it wasn't a bad movie, the special effects were pretty good, the action wasn't bad... I liked the ending. I just wish they didn't rush through it... these heroes and villains are all very complex with so many years of history behind them. I hope they do a better job with the next one.

3/5 Stars